About Me

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I'm on a mission: Discover the best foods to fuel the *mind* *body* and *soul* I'm also here to have fun. I am currently a student at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition on my way to becoming a Health Coach and Holistic Nutritionist. Day to day, I live my life according to what I'm going to eat next. When having breakfast I think about what I'm going to eat for lunch; when I'm having lunch I think about what I'm going to eat for dinner. I find that what I eat is a determining factor in how I feel. And what I do is fueled by what I eat. I am a fitness fanatic and a yoga lover. So fuel is vital and is needed for energy maintenance.

Sunday, May 16, 2010



*Provide disease-fighting nutrients

*Are highly filling

*Nutritional powerhouses

*Heart-healthy antioxidants

*Tools for losing weight or weight control

Wild Salmon Olive Oil Goji Berries Apples

Blueberries Oranges Pomegranates

Almonds Walnuts Broccoli Beans

Chiles Quinoa Yogurt Eggs

Oats Lentils Avocado Cherries

Spinach Dark Chocolate Tomatoes

Alex's Fav:

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